Code Of Conduct

This Code of Conduct sets out behaviour and expectations expected of all clergy, staff and volunteers. Staff are responsible for maintaining professional behaviour and standards with children. This includes establishing and maintaining clear boundaries which serve to protect everyone from misunderstandings.

Upholding this Code Of Conduct

All staff and volunteers are required to report any breaches of this Code to the Priest in Charge and / or one of the Wardens, and / or the Child Safety Officer under the Child Safe policies and procedures put in place by the Parish. Staff and volunteers who breach this Code of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary procedures, including any breaches involving external workers or volunteers. All allegations of child abuse will be reported to statutory authorities, such as police or child protection. A report will also be made to Professional Standards of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne. This does not replace or negate the obligation to report to statutory authorities. Our parish has a zero tolerance of any abuse whatsoever and condemns all forms of child abuse, discrimination and sexual exploitation. We are committed to creating and maintaining an environment which promotes safety for people involved in our programs including all children, people with a disability, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. All staff and volunteers are required to sign that they have read and understood both the All Saints Child Safety Policy and the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne Child Safety Policy, and agree to uphold such policy.

At all times clergy, employees and volunteers in the Parish of All Saints Kooyong will:

- Conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the values of the Parish
- Adhere to Parish child safe policies at all times and uphold the Parish statement of commitment to child safety
- Treat all children and young people with respect, regardless of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status
- Be welcoming and considerate of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children
- Provide a welcoming, inclusive and safe environment for all children, young people, parents, staff and volunteers
- Follow and report any concerns of child abuse in accordance with the Parish’s child protection policy and procedures
- Keep all information regarding child protection concerns confidential, only discussing information with relevant and appropriate people according to the reporting procedures
- Respect cultural differences
- Encourage open communication between all children, young people, parents, staff and volunteers, and allow children and young people to participate in the decisions that affect them
- Be transparent in actions and locationTake responsibility for being accountable and not be placed in positions where there are risks of allegations being made
- Wherever possible, ensure that another adult is present when working with or near children
- Report any concerns or suspicions regarding abuse by a fellow-worker, volunteer, contractor or visitor, via the Parish’s child protection reporting procedures
- Comply with all relevant Australian and local legislation
- Immediately disclose any information of charges, convictions of abuse and policy non-compliance in accordance with appropriate procedures, including disclosing any charges or convictions made against oneself or others
- Avoid favouritism
- Ensure any contact with children and young people is appropriate and within the parameters of the program or event
- Always ensure language is appropriate and not offensive or discriminatory
- Provide examples of good conduct in daily activities
- Challenge unacceptable behaviour and report all allegations or suspicions of abuse
- Encourage young people and adults to feel comfortable and caring enough to point out attitudes or behaviours they do not like
- Recognise that special caution is required when discussing sensitive issues with children or young people
- Check facilities and venues to minimise risk of harm or abuse

Clergy, employees and volunteers shall not:

- Engage in behaviour that is intended to shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade children or young people, in person or on social media
- Use inappropriate, offensive, harassing, abusive, sexually provocative, demeaning, culturally inappropriate or discriminatory language when speaking with a child or young person
- Allow allegations, suspected abuse, risk of harm or disclosures to go unreported
- Do things of a personal nature that a child can do for themselves, such as assistance with toileting or changing clothes. In cases where such actions are necessary, for example for a child with a disability, the supervisor of the activity must be consulted and behaviour must be as open as possible
- Hit or physically assault children, including the use of physical punishment or discipline
- Develop inappropriate relationships with children or young people
- Conduct a sexual relationship with a child or a young person or indulge in any form of sexual contact with a child or a young person
- Seek to make contact with and/or spend time with a child outside of the designated times and activities set for performing the staff or volunteer role as a member of the Parish
- Condone or participate in behaviour that is illegal, unsafe or abusive
- Act in a way that shows unfair or differential treatment of children and young people
- Release or discuss any personal confidential information unless there is a risk to someone’s safety. In such cases relevant information will be shared with the Vicar and Professional Standards of the Diocese
- Use any computer, mobile phone, or video and digital camera to exploit or harass children
- Let children or young people have personal contact details (mobile phone number or address)
- Make sarcastic, insensitive, derogatory or sexually suggestive comments or gestures to or in front of children and young people
- Act in a way that can be perceived as threatening or intrusive
- Make inappropriate promises to children and young people, particularly in relation to young people
- Jump to conclusions about others
- Exaggerate or trivialise child abuse
- Rely on one’s reputation or that of the organisation to protect oneself

Download All Saints Kooyong Code of Conduct Form (pdf) here:
All Saints Kooyong Code of Conduct Form